What is the new CAA law in India?

The Central government passed the Citizenship (Amendment) Act in Parliament in 2019. The purpose of this bill is to give Indian citizenship to refugees of six communities (Hindus, Christians, Sikhs, Jains, Buddhists and Parsis), who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan

Who will benefit from CAA? 

Those who came to India before 2014 to benefit

Under the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), those who came to India on or before December 31, 2014, can apply for citizenship. The central government said the law removes legal barriers to rehabilitation and citizenship

Does CAA affect Indian citizens? 

CAA will not take away citizenship of any Indian citizen irrespective of religion. It's not against any single religion/ community. It's an enabling law only to provide citizenship to persecuted minorities from neighboring countries - Afghanistan, Pakistan & Bangladesh.

What are the disadvantages of CAA? 

The drawbacks of CAA and NRC are that CAA worsens bilateral relations with neighboring nations and the NRC is hideous to physically verify the members for those not present on the list.

Now, one in every two persons is in support of the CAA. Fifty per cent of those polled in the MOTN survey said they support CAA, while 15 per cent think it is discriminatory.