Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan for Female

Healthy Weight Loss Diet Plan for Female

1. Track What You’re Eating

1. Track What You’re Eating

2. Reduce Starchy Carbohydrate

2. Reduce Starchy Carbohydrate

I did not say “eliminate,” just reduce! I do not believe that deprivation helps your overall goals.

This is really the best trick! Carbohydrates are primarily found in both starches (listed above) and non-starchy vegetables

4. Focus On Eating ONLY When You’re Hungry, Not From Boredom, Stress Or Other Emotion

4. Focus On Eating ONLY When You’re Hungry, Not From Boredom, Stress Or Other Emotion

4. Focus On Eating ONLY When You’re Hungry, Not From Boredom, Stress Or Other Emotion

4. Focus On Eating ONLY When You’re Hungry, Not From Boredom, Stress Or Other Emotion