When it comes to small towns, every state boasts at least one scenic mountain town, one pretty lake town, and one quirky small town destination,

The Tiniest Town in Every State of USA

The Tiniest Town in Every State of USA

Population: 10 This itty-bitty town outside of Birmingham was founded in 1976.

McMullen, Alabama

McMullen, Alabama

Population: 1 You'll have the beautiful Alaska wilderness all to yourself in this small area on the water.

Population: 1 There's just one lucky resident that calls this place their hometown.

Willow Canyon, Arizona

Population: 5 This town, with only five people, is located in the Ouachita Mountains.

Magnet Cove, Arkansa

Population: 2 These two residents enjoy beautiful nearby views of the Plumas National Forest

Little Grass Valley, California

Little Grass Valley, California

Population: 2 Formerly a lively and busy mining town, this quiet town near the White River National Forest now houses just two people.

Fulford, Colorado

Fulford, Colorado