Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads in Adsense

What Is Google Adsense

Google AdSense is one of the most popular context-ads programs, which provides Web site owners and publishers with the means of earning money through the displaying of the advertisements on their Web sites. But there is one possible problem that AdSense publishers may face: their site isn’t eligible to show ads with a corresponding message: “Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads.” In this article we propose to consider ways of solving this problem with the help of enhancing the quality and content of your site.

What is the meaning of ‘Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads’?

The “Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads” message is one which appears in the AdSense account and it means that AdSense has deemed your site unsuitable and therefore it does not qualify to display ads. This means that your site is not yet acceptable to display Ad and you will have to do some realignments so that your site can be approved for an ad in the AdSense program.

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What are the causes of “Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads”?

As to why you site is not read to show ads Here are several; The most common reasons include:The most common reasons include:

Insufficient content: AdSense has rules, which state that your site should contain sufficient amount of good quality content before ads can be shown. Your website does not have or has very less content, or even if you have content, it has low quality and copied one, then your website will not get approval for AdSense.

Poor website design: Another criteria that AdSense seeks in partnering with a web site is that the said web site looks very professional in design and layout. Currently, AdSense has the policy of not endorsing websites with bad design or layout and that are difficult to navigate.

Violation of AdSense policies: There is a lot of rules concerning AdSense that each publisher is expected to adhere to. In the same way, if your webpage is restricted by any of these policies, for instance landing your website in the prohibited content or indulge in some form of fraudulence, then your website will not be permitted for AdSense.

Traffic sources: AdSense also considers where your traffic is coming from; the sources of traffic to your website. If the website you used to get AdSense is involved in certain prohibited activities like paid traffic, traffic from the sites with adult contents, then it’s likely that it will not approve it.

What to do when you see the “Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads” message? Now, if you are facing the “Your Site isn’t Ready to Show Ads” error, you should not panic. There are certain measures that you can implement in order to increase the quality as well as the content of the website, which may lead you to get approved for

Here are some tips to help you get started: guidelines standard call for sufficiency of quality content to your site. It means your content is new, timely and contains valuable information. Do not post content that is copied from other websites or content that may be duplicate from other sites. These keywords and phrases should be incorporated in content to make it top the list of search engine results. Improve your website design: AdSense wants to work with Internet sites that have professional appearance of the pages layout of the sites.

Ensure that the layout of your website is neat, and uncluttered and that one is capable of finding anything they are looking for with ease. This template must design responsively and equally can be friendly with PCs, laptops, tablets, and other handheld devices like smartphones.

Follow the following policies: it has its measures that every singles publisher who wants to get involved should meet. Ensure that the policies of your developing website do not conflicting with these policies. Do not post or link to material that is forbidden by the rules (pornography, violence or hate speech). Keep yourself from fraudulent activities including clicking on your ads or paying people to do it for you. Increase your website traffic: For context, AdSense examines the sources of traffic that get to your website

. It should be ensured that the webpage is being accessed by genuine traffic, be it from the search engines, social networks or other pages leading to the intended website. Do not engage paid traffic and traffic from adult websites or any related sites.

Wait for some time: Thus, one has to wait for sometime for AdSense to review one’s website and decide if it will permit the website to use its service. Be patient enough never to interfere in the review process until they are through. In the


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